International Press Institute

International Press Institute (IPI) is a global organisation dedicated to the promotion and protection of press freedom and the improvement of journalism practices. Founded in October 1950, the IPI has members in over 115 countries.

IPI's membership is made up of editors and media executives working for some of the world's most respected media outlets. IPI has also established a new membership category: "IPI Leading Journalists" which is open to heads of media departments, bureau chiefs, correspondents and others.

In several countries, including Nepal and Azerbaijan, IPI members have established National Committees that support IPI in its work to improve the situation for the media.

IPI enjoys consultative status with the UN, UNESCO and the Council of Europe.

IPI is a member of the International Freedom of Expression Exchange, a virtual network of more than 60 non-governmental organisations that monitors press freedom and freedom of expression violations worldwide and campaigns to defend journalists, writers and human rights activists.


Protest Letters

IPI monitors press freedom around the world and responds to threats and attacks on journalists and media outlets by sending protest letters to governments and inter-governmental organisations. These threats are often brought to IPI's attention by its members, many of whom experience such difficulties first-hand while carrying out their profession.

Press Freedom Missions

IPI leads missions to countries where press freedom is under threat, meeting with government officials, diplomats, journalists and non-governmental organisations, and providing legal representation and support in court cases.


IPI undertakes extensive research on issues relevant to the media and circulates several publications on press freedom, including the quarterly magazine IPI Global Journalist. IPI regularly scrutinises new media laws and provides governments with recommendations on how to bring their legislation in line with internationally accepted standards on freedom of expression.

World Press Freedom Review

Each year, IPI publishes an authoritative report on media violations around the world: The World Press Freedom Review [1] (

IPI Free Media Pioneer Award

Established in 1996, the IPI Free Media Pioneer Award [2] ( honours individuals or organisations that fight against great odds to ensure freer and more independent media in their country or region. The award is co-sponsored by the US-based Freedom Forum, a non-partisan, international foundation dedicated to free press and free speech.

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