International Council of Unitarians and Universalists
The International Council of Unitarians and Universalists (ICUU) is a world council bringing together Unitarians, Universalists and Unitarian Universalists. The original initative for its establishment was contained in a resolution of the General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches of the United Kingdom in 1987. This led to the establishment of the "Advocates for the Establishment of an International Organization of Unitarians" (AEIOU), which worked towards the establishment of the council. Rev. David Usher, a British Unitarian minister of Australian origin, proposed the 1987 resolution. However, the General Assembly resolution provided no funding.
The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) became particularly interested in the establishment of a council when it had to deal with an increasing number of applications for membership from congregations outside North America. It had already granted membership to congregations in Adelaide, Auckland, the Philippines and Pakistan, and congregations in Sydney, Russia and Spain had applied for membership. Rather than admit congregations from all over the world, the UUA hoped that they would join a world council instead. The UUA thus became willing to provide funding for the council's establishment.
As a result, the council was finally established at a meeting in Essex, Massachusetts on March 23-26, 1995. Rev. David Usher became the ICUU's first President.
The size of the member organizations varies widely. Some member groups have only a few hundred members; while the largest, the Unitarian Universalist Association, has over 200,000 members and is larger than all the other member groups put together.
Full Members
- Australia and New Zealand Unitarian Association (ANZUA)
- Canadian Unitarian Council
- Deutsche Unitarier Religionsgemeinschaft, Germany
- European Unitarian Universalists
- First Unitarian Church of Nigeria
- General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches, United Kingdom & Ireland
- Ijo Isokan Gbogbo Eda (Unitarian Brotherhood Church), Nigeria
- Khasi Unitarian Union, India
- Kosciol Unitarianski (Unitarian Church in Poland)
- Nabozenska spolecnost ceskych unitaru (Religious Society of Czech Unitarians)
- The Unitarian Christian Church of Madras, India
- The Unitarian Church in Hungary
- The Unitarian Church of Romania (Transylvania)
- Unitarian Church of South Africa
- Unitarian Universalist Association, USA
- Unitarian Universalist Association of Sri Lanka
- Unitarian Universalist Church of the Philippines
- Unitarian Universalists of Russia
- Unitarian Universalist Society of Finland
- Unitarians and Universalists, Pakistan
- Unitarisk Kirkesamfund, Denmark
Provisional Members
- Sociedad Unitaria Universalista de Espaņa (Unitarian Universalist Society of Spain)
Emerging Groups
- Argentina
- Brazil
- Bolivia
- Latvia
- Puerto Rico
Other Associates
- Doojin Christian Church (Japan)
- Iceland State Church
- Indonesia Global Church of God
- Italy
- Kenya
- L'Assemblees Fraternelles des Chretiens Unitariens de France
- L'Association Unitarienne Francophone et Eglise Unitarienne de France
- Unitarkirken (The Unitarian Christian Church in Norway)
Principles and Purposes
We, the member groups of the International Council of Unitarians and Universalists, affirming our belief in religious community based on:
- liberty of conscience and individual thought in matters of faith,
- the inherent worth and dignity of every person.
- justice and compassion in human relations,
- responsible stewardship in human relations,
- and our commitment to democratic principles,
declare our purposes to be:
- to serve the Infinite Spirit of Life and the human community by strengthening the worldwide Unitarian and Universalist faith,
- to affirm the variety and richness of our living traditions,
- to facilitate mutual support among member organizations,
- to promote our ideals and principles around the world,
- to provide models of liberal religious response to the human condition which upholds our common values.