Image talk:Covalent.png
Hmm... was 3413 bytes, now it's 6160... and this was to compact it and give a faster download?? -- John Owens 21:39 Apr 14, 2003 (UTC)
- Bugger! I never noticed that. I just assumed that if I removed some detail from a picture, the file size would decrease. Can anyone who knows anything about png tell me what I did wrong? Theresa knott 12:39 Apr 15, 2003 (UTC)
You saved it with 16 million colours. I reduced it to 256 colours for you, and now the file is smaller. -- Heron
- Thanks! I've just reduced it to 8 colours and dramatically cut the file size.{i'll delete the old images fairly soon. I'll just leave them up for a little while in case anyone is intersted in seeing the results of this discussion). You would think that an image compression algorithm would automatically count the colours and reduce the colour depth to the minimum needed before doing anything else! I'll be more careful in the future. Theresa knott 23:24 Apr 15, 2003 (UTC)
- Glad that all got sorted out then, I didn't know why that would be, either. On the other hand, I hadn't gone so far as to open it up with the GIMP and see its details, either. Figured it was just a compression ratio thing, for first guess. -- John Owens 23:33 Apr 15, 2003 (UTC)