Image:Les Tres Riches Heurs F2r.jpg
Les Très Riches Heures
One of the early illustrated pages (Folio 2r) from the Très Riches Heures, one of the most richly decorated and most famous Book of Hours to have survived.
The book was written and illuminated sometime between 1412 and 1416 by Paul Limbourg and brothers, for their patron Jean, Duc de Berry.
This page follows the calendar for the month of January and illustrates the day for exchanging gifts which occurs in January. The figure in blue robes towards the right is the Duke himself, seated at the table in front of the fire place. Above the fire hangs his coat of arms with golden fleurs-de-lys on a blue ground.
In the middle of the illustration a number of guests are invited to approach the fire with their hands out stretched to the warmth. One of these with a white cap folded over his ear is possibly a self portrait by Paul Limbourg.
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