Igor of Kiev
Missing image
Burial of Igor the Old.
Igor Riurikovich, or Ingvar Rreksson, ruled Kievan Rus from 912 to 945. Very little is known about him from the Primary Chronicle. It has been speculated that the chroniclers chose not to enlarge on his reign, as Rus was dominated by Khazaria at that time. That he was Rurik's son is also questioned on chronological grounds.
He twice besieged Tsargrad (as the Slavs alluded to Constantinople), in 941 and 944, and concluded with the Emperor a favourable treaty whose text is preserved in the chronicle. In 913 and 944 the Rus plundered the Arabs in the Caspian Sea and laid siege to the capital of Albania (modern-day Azerbaijan). Igor was killed by Drevlians in 945 and revenged by his wife, Olga of Kiev.
Preceded by: | Prince of Kiev | Succeeded by: |
Oleg | Olga |