Ignác Šechtl (1840-1911), also known as Ignace Schachtl or Hynek Šechtl, was a pioneer of Czech photography. He moved from Prague, trough Nepomuk, Plzeň to Tábor where he created the photographic company Šechtl and Voseček lasting for three generations.
He excelled in photojournalism and experimenting with new photographic techniques, including unique double self portrait - a photomontage made by double exposition on the single wet collodium process negative in 1870.
Based on a description by his brother living in Paris he also constructed the first kinematograph in Bohemia and became the first owner of a permit for producing movies there (however it is not clear whether the kinematograph really did work on the first scheduled performance as there are no newspaper articles describing the production).
External links
- project of digitalizing archive of Šechtl and Voseček atheliers (http://sechtl-vosecek.ucw.cz)