Homeopathic repertory
A homeopathic repertory is an index of symptoms. For each entry, a number of remedies are listed that are associated with that symptom either through a homeopathic proving or from clinical experience. Repertories have inclusion criteria intended to result in a high degree of accuracy and are continually corrected. There is often lively debate among the compilers of a repertory and interested practitioners over the veracity of a particuliar inclusion.
A line on the page of a repertory might look like this.
- Mind; Fear; Animals; Snakes, of (19): lach. abel. arg-n. ars. bell. calc. calc-s. carc. elaps. hep. ign. spig. sulph. syph.
Each of the above is an abbreviation for the full name of a remedy such lach = lachesis muta. Often the abbreviation includes the name of the author or the authoritative source from where the entry is derived. For example, "Schm" indicates that it has come from the book Homeopathy and Minerals by Jan Scholen.
The most popular modern repertories are The Complete Millennium Repertory and Synthesis.
Considerable information on the subject is available at http://www.repertory.org