Here's Humphrey
Here's Humphrey was an Australian television series for children first aired on Monday May 24, 1965. It featured a character known as Humphrey B. Bear. In the early days Humphrey was known as Bear Bear and was named Humphrey B. Bear as the result of an on-air competition. Here's Humphrey has become one of the most successful programs for pre-schoolers in Australia.
It has won Logies for Best Children's Series and the character of Humphrey has received a number of National Awards and Commendations, including a special "Citizen of the Year" Award at the 1994 Australia Day celebrations. Here's Humphrey has fans all over the world thanks to the United States version of the show shown on PBS in America and the Spanish version shown on Galavision.
See also
External link
- Here's Humphrey official site (