Heavy Traffic
Heavy Traffic is an full-length animated film by Ralph Bakshi, released in 1973. It seeks to reproduce some of the atmosphere from underground comics of the period in an animated film.
This film predates American Pop and Heavy Metal by about a decade. It bears some thematic relationship to Bakshi's earlier film Fritz the Cat, which was released in 1972, based on a Robert Crumb character.
The protagonist is a young adult male from New York City, half Jewish, half Italian. Unemployed, he dabbles with cartoons, wanders through the seedy side of the city, and befriends a female bartender from Harlem. His dad, a struggling mafioso, puts a murder contract out on his son for "disgracing the family" by dating a black woman.
External link
- Ralph Bakshi official site (http://www.ralphbakshi.com)