The Hastati (sing. Hastatus, from hasta) - soldiers of avant guarde of heavy infantry of the Roman legion in IV-II centuries BC (together with principes and triarii operated roughly from 350 to 107 BC). Originally entered into the second line of centuries, from III century BC began to make the first line of maniples, after 2-nd Punic war were put in the second line. The hastati were armed with 4 foot javelins with 9 inch tips, called pila (sing. pilum), along with the standard short sword, or gladius. Their armor consisted of the standard bronze helmet of the Roman Army at the time, decorated with additional large plumes. The Hastati also wore a bronze breastplate, or chain mail if the soldier preferred and could afford it. The armor of the Hastati was up to the person; the soldiers armored themselves, buying what they could afford.
The Hastati were organized into centuries of 60 men, which were arranged into maniples of 120, of which there were 10 in a battle formation. As the first battle line, the Hastati were immediately behind the velites and in front of the principes, which were in front of the triarii. The Hastati were sent into battle first, and commonly withdrew to the Principe line to allow for a counterattack.
External links
- Paragraph about Hastati (http://www.rickard.karoo.net/articles/concepts_hastati.html/)pl:Hastati