In the science fiction television show Stargate SG-1, a Harcesis is a human child born off the hosts of two Goa'uld mates when the hosts are still possessed. The Harcesis born thus would possess all the knowledge of the Goa'uld, and is generally considered an abomination for the same reason.
Daniel Jackson's step-son Shifu is a Harcesis. He is the son of Apophis and Sha'uri/Amonet. Apophis fathered Shifu in the hope of taking over his body as a new host. However, as a child Shifu is hidden in the planet Kheb and was taken care of by the ascended Ancient, Oma Desala. Later on, Shifu is shown to be an ascended being himself.
Having the genetic memories of the parent goa'ulds, and in turn the generations of goa'uld before them, would drive a being to madness. In the case of Shifu, Oma Desala taught him to forget, the only way to win the battle (for relative sanity) is avoid engaging the battle.