HTM Personenvervoer
Missing image GTL.jpg The Hague tram (GTL) |
Missing image GTL_Interieur.jpg The Hague tram (GTL) |
HTM Personenvervoer NV (HTM, from the former name Haagsche Tramweg Maatschappij) is a public transport company in the Netherlands operating trams and buses in The Hague, Rijswijk, Leidschendam-Voorburg, Delft, Nootdorp.
Since 2004 there is a tunnel with two underground tram stations (Spui and Grote Markt) in the city centre; it is shared by tram lines 2, 3 and 6. See nl:Haagse tramtunnel for pictures with text in Dutch.
- power 600 volt DC
- lines (to be updated ): 1 Scheveningen Noorderstrand - Delft Tanthof, 2 Kraayenstein - CS - Leidschendam Leidsenhage, 3 CS - Loosduinen (A. Spoelplein), 6 Uithof - CS - Leidschendam Noord, 8 Scheveningen Noorderstrand - Vrederust, 9 Scheveningen Noorderstrand - Vrederust (comb. of lines 1 and 8), 10 Statenkwartier - Voorburg NS, 11 Scheveningen Haven - Hollands Spoor, 12 CS - Duindorp (coupled with 16), 15 CS - Nootdorp, 16 CS - Moerwijk (coupled with 12), 17 Statenkwartier - Rijswijk Wateringseveld.
Part of HTM is SVD, the city bus company of Dordrecht.