Green Party of Alaska
The Green Party of Alaska is the state party organization for Alaska of the United States Green Party. It is known for its internal organization using bioregions as its local divisions instead of political entities such as voting districts. Alaska was the first state to gain Green Party ballot access, in 1990, when Jim Sykes ran for governor.
The organized bioregions of the GPAK include the Southcentral Bioregion (Anchorage area) and the Tanana-Yukon Bioregion (the Interior, around the Tanana and Yukon River areas).
The Green Party of Alaska has gained over 10% of the votes in presidential and congressional elections, most notably in 2000, when Alaska voters gave presidential candidate Ralph Nader his highest state percentage, and in 1996, when Senate candidate Jed Whittaker came in second, outpolling the Democratic party candidate.
Contents |
(statewide candidates)
- - Sykes (United States Senate candidate) Received .99% of the votes cast for senator.
- - Feller (United States House of Representatives candidate) Received 3.81% of the votes cast for representative.
- - Cobb / LaMarche (President/Vice President candidates) Received .34% of the votes cast for president.
- - Benson / Coburn (Governor / Lt. Governor candidates)
Received 1.26% of the votes cast for Governor. The party also had fewer registered voters than 3% of the votes cast for governor in the 2002 general election, thus losing its Recognized Political Party status. In 2003, based on an order granting a preliminary injunction by the Superior Court for the State of Alaska, the party was allowed to remain a recognized political party through the 2004 General Election.
- - Sykes (United States Senate candidate) Received 7.24% of the votes cast for senator, coming in third of five candidates.
- - DeForest (United States House of Representatives candidate) Received 6.34% of the votes cast for representative.
- - Young (United States Senate candidate) Received 8.18% of the votes cast for senator, coming in third of five candidates.
- - Nader / LaDuke (President/Vice President candidates)
- - Jacobsson / Milligan (Governor / Lt. Governor candidates) Received 3.01% of the votes cast for governor.
- - Grames (United States Senate candidate) Received 2.4% of the votes cast for senator.
- - Whittaker (United States Senate candidate) Received 12.5% of the votes cast for senator, coming in second of three candidates.
- - Grames (United States House of Representatives candidate) Received 1.9% of the votes cast for representative.
- - Nader / LaDuke (President/Vice President)
1994 - Sykes / Lewis (Governor / Lt. Governor candidates) Received 4.1% of the votes cast for governor.
- - Jordan (United States Senate) Received 8.4% of the votes cast for senator.
- - Milligan (United States House of Representatives) Received 4% of the votes cast for representative.
1990 - Sykes / Crumb (Governor / Lt. Governor candidates) Received 3.3% of votes cast for governor, attaining the State of Alaska's Recognized Political Party status.
Alaska Division of Elections. [1] (
Green Party Election Results. [2] (
External links
- Website of The Green Party of Alaska (