Gravissimum Educationis
Gravissimum Educationis is the Second Vatican Council's Declaration on Christian Education. It was promulgated on October 28, 1965 by Pope Paul VI, following approval by the assembled bishops by a vote of 2,290 to 35. The title means "The Importance of Education" in Latin and is drawn from the first line of the declaration, as is customary with Roman Catholic documents. (The full text in English is available from the Holy See's website (
- Introduction
- The Meaning of the Universal Right to an Education
- Christian Education
- The Authors of Education
- Various Aids to Christian Education
- The Importance of Schools
- The Duties and Rights of Parents
- Moral and Religious Education in All Schools
- Catholic Schools
- Different Types of Catholic Schools
- Catholic Colleges and Universities
- Faculties of Sacred Sciences
- Coordination to be Fostered in Scholastic Matters
- Conclusion