Gotse Delchev (town)
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Goce Delchev location in Bulgaria
Gotse Delchev (Гоце Делчев), population 23,573, is a town in Southwestern Bulgaria (Pirin Macedonia).
It's named after the Bulgarian revolutionary Gotse (Georgi) Nikolov Delchev. The town was called Nevrokop (in Greek: Νευροκόπι) prior to its current name.
Nearby are the remains of a walled city established by the Romans under Justinian(?)[2nd century A.D] to celebrate victories over the Dacians. The town was called Nikopolis Ad Nestrum. There has been archeological work on the site - which ceased for lack of funds 20 years ago.
Template:Bulgaria-geo-stubbg:Гоце Делчев (град)