Gloria Barberi
Gloria Barberi is an Italian science-fiction and fantasy writer based in Liguria; born in 1955, she started publishing in the early eighties on various fanzines and magazines. Strong on lyrical and dream-like atmospheres, her approach to fantasy shows a penchant for horror or weird tones (and some of her stories remind in style the works of Clark Ashton Smith.) She won a number of literary prizes, published short fiction in «Millemondi Urania» from Mondadori and on various newspapers, magazines and anthologies. "La notte di san Valentino" was translated in France as part of the anthology "Cosmic Erotica", later reprised by Fanucci in Italy. In 1990 «The Dark Side» devoted the whole of issue n. 34 to her novel "I Custodi". In the last few years she’s been involved in drama, as both a playwright and an actress.