George of the Jungle
George of the Jungle was a prime time animated television program that was originally broadcast on ABC between 1967 and 1970 and is a parody of Tarzan. The series was produced by Jay Ward and Bill Scott. The title character was a dim-witted but big-hearted "ape man", who lives in the jungle and is called upon each episode to save its inhabitants from various threats, voiced by Bill Scott. George is supported by his love interest Ursula June Foray, his sapient gorilla friend Ape, (Paul Frees; who is more intelligent than George, and who sounds remarkably like Ronald Coleman), and his pet elephant Shep (who acts more like a lap dog; "Big peanut eating doggie"--George).
The television series consisted of three episodes, one of George, one of "Tom Slick" with Bill Scott voicing Tom and June Foray as Marigold, and a third of "Super Chicken", with Scott again as Super Chicken and Paul Frees as his side-kick Fred.
The 1997 film George of the Jungle, a live-action version of the cartoon, stars Brendan Fraser, Leslie Mann, Thomas Haden Church and John Cleese as the voice of Ape.
A sequel, George of the Jungle 2 (2003), was released direct-to-video with only Thomas Haden Church and John Cleese reprising their roles.
External links
- The television series Template:Imdb title
- The movie Template:Imdb title
- Template:Imdb title