George Willis Ritchey
Missing image
Ritchey 24" reflecting Telescope
George Willis Ritchey (December 31 1864 – November 4 1945) was an American optician and telescope maker and astronomer (educated as a furniture maker) born at Tupper's Plains, Ohio.
He coinvented the Ritchey-Chrétien reflector telescope along with Henri Chrétien.
He played a major role in designing the mountings and making the mirrors of the 60-inch and 100-inch telescopes at Mount Wilson Observatory. He worked closely with George Ellery Hale.
Craters on Mars and the Moon were named in his honor.
External links
- MNRAS 107 (1947) 36 (
- Obs 66 (1943-46) 268 ( (one sentence)de:George Willis Ritchey