Garma Zabi
In the fictional universe of Mobile Suit Gundam, Garma Zabi (ガルマ ザビ) is the youngest son of Sovereign Degwin Sodo Zabi. He is also the commander of the Zeon Earth Attack Force.
The handsome young Garma is as ravishingly suave as his siblings are ugly and unattractive and, unfortuantely for him, as naïve as they are experienced and calculating. He is loved greatly by the Zeon people and is clearly his father's favourite child, acting mainly as the commander of the North American Zeon forces under the command of his brother Dozle Zabi, residing temporarily in California. Garma is also carrying on a doomed romance with Icelina Eschonbach, the daughter of the former mayor of New York City. When his old military academy schoolmate and best friend Char Aznable lands on Earth in pursuit of the White Base, which was forced off course during a space battle and landed smack dab in the stomach of Zeon controlled territory, Garma eagerly gives the Red Comet his support and that's when the beloved Zabi scion's naïveté shines brightest. Overly eager to prove himself to his sister Kycilia and hell-bent on becoming a hero to his people, Garma fails to ever see the vengence-motivated trechery that burns within Char against the Zabi family, until it was far too late.
When Garma launches his Gaw MS carrier fleet and Char, scouting in his Zaku, notices that White Base is burrowed in an old half-destroyed sports dome, he tells Garma that the White Base is in front of his fleet....when, in truth, it was behind his fleet! The White Base's near-endless and brutal attack on Garma's Gaw Fleet is swift and relentless, taking a shocked Garma by earth-shaking spirit-crushing surprise. It is in these final moments that Char passionately confesses his trechery, following his confession of a desire for vengeance with a maniacal laugh. Desperate and enraged, Garma takes control of his ships helm and attemps a kamikaze run onto the White Base as the barrage goes on, only to be killed in a blaze of glory before getting even close. His heroic death comes as a shock to his family, his father Degwin and brother Dozle in particular. A magnificent funeral service is held for him in which his eldest brother Gihren uses Garma's death as propaganda in his famous "Sieg Zeon" speech. From then on, taking vengeance for Garma's death becomes a priority for Earth bound Zeon officer Ramba Ral and his troop as they assume pursuit of the White Base.