
Garganta is a fictional comic book character appearing in A.C. Comics, most particularly Femforce. She is a beautiful blonde woman who has the power to increase her size. She typically grows to 50ft., though she can soar to over 200ft tall. Her other nicknames include "Madame Grande" and "The 50ft. Woman". Her true identity is Dr. Carol Heisler, a U.S. government scientist who was exposed to an experimental strength-enhancing formula. She originally appeared in a one-off story in 1990 (Femforce #30), but she proved so popular with readers that she eventually became a regular character.

Garganta also has telepathic abilities. In the early stories she could shoot destructive beams from her eyes, though this idea was later dropped. She has a particular empathy towards sea mammals and once escaped from her enemies by transforming into a gigantic whale-like creature (Femforce #32). She was later restored to human form by the "Gammazons" (Femforce #43). For a while she was permanently 50ft. tall, living in a giant prefabricated building in Femforce HQ, but she later acquired the ability to grow and shrink at will.

Storylines have exploited Garganta's size-changing ability as both a blessing and as a curse. Although she can usually regulate her size by mental effort, she sometimes experiences uncontrolled growth and causes havoc. (This tends to happen when she becomes angry.) However, she is for the most part gentle and friendly and uses her giant size to help others.

The giantess became a recurring motif in Femforce throughout the 1990's and early 2000's. Following the success of Garganta, the superheroines Synn and Nightveil were revealed to have size-changing powers. Also Jungle-Girl Tara (who had previously had no "super powers" at all) acquired the ability to become a giantess (Good Girl Art Quarterly Summer 1991) though unlike Garganta she cannot maintain her giant size indefinitely.

In 2001, Garganta appeared her own comic book Garganta's Thrilling Science.


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