The Gadulka is a folk Bulgarian string musical instrument played with a bow.
There are two types of Gadulkas; the most common has three or sometimes four main strings, with many lesser strings, and a smaller variant in the Dobruja region has only the three main strings. In most variants the lesser strings are placed underneath the main strings as resonating strings. The main strings touched with the tips of the fingers or the fingernails and not pressed all the way down to the neck of the instrument.
The Gadulka is an important instrument in the traditional Bulgarian Horo round dances.
It is also sometimes called the gusla, although normally that is a different instrument.
Nearest relatives: Russian gudok.
The "a" in Gadulka is the Bulgarian hard ъ pronounced as in the English word "rub."
External links
Template:Musical-instrument-stubbg:Гъдулка hu:Gadulka de:Gadulka nl:Gdulka