GURPS Supers

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GURPS Supers cover

GURPS Supers is a tabletop-style role-playing game published by Steve Jackson Games, based on the superhero genre.

GURPS Supers is a set of rules extensions for Steve Jackson Games' GURPS (Generic Universal Role Playing System) to cover role-playing campaigns with superhero characters and adventures. It has rules for creating superhero characters, with many example characters. Players can choose from several different basic types of superhero characters that influence how the character's powers selected. Players can select from a wide variety of powers and their modifications given in GURPS Supers, augmented by those in the GURPS Basic, plus any other GURPS book included by the campaign. The rules book includes how to create superhero campaigns, and ways for the game master to customize the style of the campaign.

As part of the GURPS system, GURPS Supers has the advantage of easily allowing the exchange player's characters or ideas between any the numerous other role-playing campaigns and genres supported by GURPS. It also has the disadvantage of tending to shift the typical superhero campaign to the more "realistic", or gritty, style of GURPS, rather than the more brash and glorious style of the Silver Age of Comic Books, and favors more human, lower-powered heroes rather than the more extreme high-powered ones.

There are two editions to GURPS Supers. The first edition was printed in 1989 — the second edition in 1990. The first edition had groupings of character powers that were not used in the second edition. Both are based on the Third Edition of GURPS Basic. There are various aids, supplements and ready-made adventures available, including GURPS Supers Adventures, GURPS Supers: Death Wish, GURPS Supers: School of Hard Knocks, Hellboy Sourcebook and Roleplaying Game (based on the Hellboy) series, and GURPS Wild Cards (based on Wild Cards series).

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