Fra Dolcino
Fra Dolcino was an Italian heretic, burnt at the stake in 1307, and often described as being one of the Fraticelli.
Following the Italian Church, he was considered as much as a delinquent, as were his followers, who would not hesitate, for their own survival, to plunder and to depredate the villages where they used to live. Whoever tried to oppose to them was killed and his house was burned.
On the other hand, he was considered to be one of the reformers of the Church and one of the founders of the ideals of the French revolution and even socialism.
Fra Dolcino founded his movement of "Apostolici", which existed between the years 1300 - 1307, and tragically ended in the mountains in Valsesia and in the Biellese area, in Piemonte, Italy.
His main ideas were the followings:
1. Discouragement of the ecclesiastical hierarchy and return of the Church to its origins of humility and poverty.
2. Discouragement of the feudal system.
3. Human liberation from every constriction and whichever constituted power.
4. Organization of one equal society, of mutual aid and respect, communion of the assets and parity of rights between man and woman.
He was considered to be an intelligent man, smart and with good ability of speech, who was able to grab the listener's attention. He was also a real revolutionary, who anticipated history, and probably for that reason he was defeated.
His ideals stand by even now after more than seven hundred years.