
In common usage, the word followership generally refers to:

  • a position of submission to a leader.
  • a position under tutelage or guidance.

Followership and Leadership

Much of the following view of followership expresses profound dedication to the preservation of status quo social hierarchies, extreme reverence for an aristocratic concept of leadership, and prescriptive repudiation of principles of democratic equality, much of it expressed in a tone deficient in neutrality.

The Role of a Follower

Followership at first glance seems the antithesis of leadership. The words "subjection", "meekness", and "subtlety" may come to mind when conceptualizing followership. The role of a follower, however, in many ways resembles that of a leader. Willingness to tell the truth forms a key ingredient of a "good" follower. Leaders depend on their subordinates for appropriate information. At times this information will prove unwelcome. Followers must have the confidence to speak out. They understand the necessity of the discomfort they may feel while communicating concisely with the leader, and they realise their role in helping the leader make better decisions. Having the fortitude to speak candidly with the leader also comprises a leadership trait. Followers, according to this point of view, must realize that silence is unacceptable.

Becoming an "effective" follower within the leader/follower conceptual universe takes just as much work as becoming a leader. Leaders must allegedly recognize the difference between pessimists, individuals just along for the ride, individuals working just for the paycheck, and participants (followers). Such leaders must reward followership. Organizations that clearly communicate guidelines for subordinates (i.e., bureaucracies) will have more success. Effective followership expectations must be taught (by whom?).

Stated Principals of Ideal Followership

  • demonstrating respect
  • thinking win/win
  • working within the system
  • being proactive
  • appreciating differences
  • striving toward a common goal shared with leaders
  • recognizing any authority that leaders may possess
  • tailoring actions to accord with leaders' ideals
  • making decisions based on a set of values
  • enthusiastically working towards organizational goals while nevertheless remaining accountable for results
  • gaining the trust of leaders
  • fostering (just) enough independence to allow followers to achieve goals without complete reliance on leaders
  • requiring only high-level guidance
  • demonstrating effectiveness when working in a group independently
  • recognizing the hierarchy of leadership while becoming a self-motivated mini-leader
  • proactively working to fulfill or exceed expectations

Evaluating Followership

Effective followers may ask themselves leading questions like:

  • How good are your following skills?
  • Do you willingly step forward?
  • Does it really please your leaders to have you on board?
  • Are you on board?
  • Do you participate with the leader and the rest of the team in a follower frame of mind or do you spend time criticizing your leader's shortcomings?
  • Are you willing to follow, to move from where you currently stand?

They may also have conventional answers to these questions.

Alternative Views of Followership

Alternative views of co-operation may de-emphasise the cult of "leadership" (and thus of "followership" as well) to bring forward ideals such as equal partnerships, elective loyalty and consensus decision-making leading to shared execution.

Biblical Basis For Followership

Followership should form an important part of the Christian World View. Effective Christians should make effective followers because they act as disciples of God, and thus internalise respect for authority-figures.

Followership has become subtler in the Christian culture even though the Bible emphasizes following much more than leading. Man’s sinful nature and interest in self-preservation and self-promotion has skewed the average Christian perspective to value leadership more strongly. Christians are directed (by whom?) to follow the teachings of Jesus and of the Bible.

Followership and Tutelage

(not yet written)

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