First things first 2000 Manifesto
The First things first 2000 manifesto was an updated version of the earlier First things first 1964 Manifesto published in 2000 by some of the leading lights of the graphic design, artistic and visual arts community. It was republished by Emigre, Eye and other important graphic design magazines and has stirred controversy (again) in Graphic design
In essence the question of value-free design has been continually contested within graphic design between those who believe that design can be free from values and hence the graphics industries themselves should not be concerned with the underlying political questions. Conversely those that believe that graphics and the designers themselves must be critical and take a stand, for instance by not promoting industries and products perceived to be 'bad' - for instance adverts and designs for Cigarette manufacturers, Arms companies etc. This has been particularly influential on AdBusters, for example, and is related to ideas of detournement and culture jamming.
External links
- Text of the Manifesto (
- AdBusters report on the Manifesto (