First Illyrian War
The First Illyrian War began with Rome's concern with the trade routes running across the Adriatic Sea, especially after the First Punic War. Many tribes of Illyria became united under one queen, Teuta. Teuta responded negatively to the death of a Roman envoy, which prompted Rome to send the two consuls, Lucius Postumius Albinus and Gnaeus Fulvius Centumalus, and an army having been victorious in the First Punic War to rid the Adriatic Sea coastline of Teuta's subjects. As a result, Rome established a protectorate over the Greek towns of Corcyra, Apollonia, Dyrrachium, and Issa, thus gaining a strong footland in the Adriatic Sea region. The war lasted from 229 B.C. to 228 B.C.