Fellowship of Fundamental Bible Churches
The Fellowship of Fundamental Bible Churches (FFBC) is a fellowship of independent autonomous fundamentalist churches established in 1939. It is considered only a fellowship of like-minded churches, rather than a denomination. Local congregations in the fellowship have no financial obligations to the fellowship, and the fellowship exercises no control over them. It is only expected that the churches believe and teach a fundamentalist theology.
Doctrinally, the FFBC professes to hold these distinctives: "Biblically literal in our interpretation; dispensational (not covenental) in our theology; premillennial and pretribulational in our eschatology; evangelistic and missions-oriented in our outreach; Biblically separated in personal life and ecclesiastical associations, and baptistic with regard to the mode and subjects of baptism." They also oppose the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements, holding that spiritual gifts such as speaking in tongues were sign gifts that ceased to operate after the close of the New Testament canon.
Currently (2004), the FFBC has 21 fellowshipping congregations, with about half in the state of New Jersey. The fellowship operates the Tri-State Bible Camp & Conference Center in Montague, New Jersey; a mission board known as Fundamental Bible Missions; and the Fundamental Bible Institute for ministerial training. Most churches in the fellowship are either "Bible Churches" or "Baptist Churches". The Fellowship of Fundamental Bible Churches is a member of the American Council of Christian Churches.
External link
- Official Web Site (http://www.ffbc.ws/)