Federico Barocci
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Annunciation (1592-96)
Oil on canvas S. Maria degli Angeli, Perugia
Oil on canvas S. Maria degli Angeli, Perugia
Federico Barocci (or Baroccio) (1528-1612), Italian painter, was born at Urbino, where the genius of Raphael inspired him.
In his early youth he travelled to Rome, where he painted in fresco and was warmly commended by Michelangelo. He then returned to Urbino, where, with the exception of some short visits to Rome, he continued to reside till his death.
He acquired great fame by his paintings of religious subjects, in the style of which he to some extent imitated Correggio. His own followers were very numerous, but according to Lanzi (Hist. of Painting) carried their master's peculiarities to excess.
Barocci also etched from his own designs a few prints, which are highly finished, and executed with great softness and delicacy.
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