Faustyna Kowalska
The Divine Mercy
Saint Faustina, of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy in Poland (August 25, 1905 - October 5, 1938), born Maria Helena Kowalska, is perhaps best known for her promotion of the devotion to the Divine Mercy, and her inspired painting of the same name.
Saint Faustina's divine revelations prompted her to spread the message of Divine Mercy of Jesus Christ. She kept a diary that ran to over 600 pages.
Her inspired painting has moved many, including the late Pope John Paul II.
In October 21 1965 bishop Julian Groblicki began Proces Informacyjny odnośnie życia i cnót siostry Faustyny. Od tej chwili siostrze Faustynie przysługiwał tytuł Sługi Bożej.
Faustyna was born in Glogowiec, Poland.
April 18, 1993 Faustyna was beatified by Pope John Paul II.
In April 30, 2000 she was canonized also by John Paul II.
Her feastday is October 5.
Divine Mercy Sunday is celebrated the Second Sunday of Easter (which is the first Sunday after Easter). Template:Poland-bio-stub
External links
- Vatican Page on St. Faustina (http://www.vatican.va/news_services/liturgy/documents/ns_lit_doc_20000430_faustina_en.html)
- Images of 'The Divine Mercy' (http://www.mercyimages.com/)
- Group of laymen dedicated to St. Faustina (http://www.faustina.org/index.html)pl:Faustyna Kowalska