False berry
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Remnants of the floral parts are clearly evident on these immature banana fruits, demonstrating that the fruit is developing from an inferior ovary
A false berry or epigynous berry is an accessory fruit created in certain plant species with an inferior ovary. In these species the floral tube (including the basal parts of the sepals, petals, and stamens) can ripen along with the ovary, forming the false berry.
Examples of plants which produce false berries include:
- banana
- family Cucurbitaceae
- Cucumis, like cucumber and canteloupe
- watermelon
- Cucurbita (gourds), like squash and pumpkin
- family Ribes, such as gooseberry and the currants (including redcurrant and blackcurrant)
- cranberry, blueberry, and other members of Vaccinium