Eusko Gudariak
Eusko Gudariak (originally spelt Euzko Gudariak, "Basque Soldiers") was the anthem of the Eusko Gudarostea, the army of the Basque Autonomous Government during the Spanish Civil War. It is also used as an anthem by ETA and the Basque National Liberation Movement.
The music is a traditional Basque tune. The lyrics were composed in 1932 by José María de Gárate, an officer of the EAJ-PNV. During the war, Captain Alejandro Lizaso Eizmendi added some verses.
See also
Gernikako arbola, Gora ta gora, Oriamendi, El Himno de Riego, A las barricadas, Marcha Real, Cara al sol, The Internationale
External link
- Canciones republicanas de la Guerra Civil Española ( Lyrics with Spanish translation.