European Federation of Green Parties
Template:Greens The European Federation of Green Parties is an umbrella organization of green parties in Europe. On February 21, 2004, the European Federation of Green Parties met in Rome to found a real party organization (i.e., not an umbrella organization, but a member organization). This new organization is called European Greens.
Prior to the founding of the European Greens, EFGP was one of the two subgroups in the Greens-EFA group in the European Parliament.
The European Federation facilitates communication between member parties. At meetings it arrives at shared manifestos for European elections, and provides an opportunity for networking and the discussion of strategy. It also gives support to smaller or newer parties in order to strengthen them. For example, they did work in Spain to unify divided groupings in each region, and succeeded to an extent -- two regions elected Green MPs to the Spanish Parliament.
As of 2005, the Federation includes 33 Green parties in 30 European countries. See European Greens for detailed information on membership.