Spurge family | ||||||||||
Missing image Aleuritesmoluccana1web.jpg Aleurites moluccana Candlenut Tree (Aleurites moluccana) | ||||||||||
Scientific classification | ||||||||||
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Genera | ||||||||||
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The Spurge family (Euphorbiaceae) is a large family of flowering plants with 280 genera and around 6'000 species. Most are herbs, but some, especially in the Tropics, are also shrubs or trees. Some are succulent and resemble cacti.
This family occurs mainly in the Tropics, with the majority of the species in the Indo-Malayan region and tropical South America a good second. However, Euphorbia also has many species in non-tropical areas such as the Mediterranean, the Middle East, South Africa and southern USA.
The leaves are alternate, seldom opposed, with stipules. They are mainly simple. But when they are compound, they are always palmate, never pinnate. The stipules may be reduced to hairs, glands or spines.
The radially symmetrical flowers are unisexual, with the male and the female flowers usually occurring on the same plant. As can be expected from such a large family, there is a wide variety in the structure of the flowers. They can be monoecious or dioecious. The stamens (the male organs) can number from 1 to 10 (or even more). The female flowers are hypogynous, i.e. with a superior ovary.
The genera Euphorbia and Chamaesyce show a highly specialized form of inflorescence, called a cyathium. This is usually a small cup-like involucre. This consists of peripheral horseshoe-shaped nectaries surrounding a ring of male flowers, consisting of a single stamen. In the middle of it, stands the female flower with a single pistil with branched stigmas. This whole arrangement resembles a single flower.
The fruit is usually a schizocarp, sometimes a drupe. A typical schizocarp is the regma, a capsular fruit with three or more cells, each of which splits open at maturity into separate parts and then break away with explosion.
Milky juice is a characteristic of the tribe Euphorbiae of this family, in species such as Euphorbia virosa, but is mostly lacking in the other tribes. This milky sap is poisonous.
A number of plants of the Spurge family are of considerable economic importance. Prominent plants include manioc, the Castor bean. and the Para rubber tree. Some are grown as ornamental plants, such as the poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima).
The family Euphorbiaceae is a complex family formed by 4 subfamilies: The Acalyphoideae (by far the largest one), the Crotonoideae, the Euphorbioideae and the Oldfieldioideae. These groups are in turn subdivided into numerous tribes, subtribes and genera. A former fifth subfamily (the Phyllanthoides) has been separated from the Euphorbiaceae as a result of lineage analysis: all of its tribes are now part of the newly-erect Phyllanthaceae except the tribe Drypeteae, which now forms a family in itself (the Putranjivaceae).
- Subfamily Acalyphoideae
- Tribe Acalypheae (12 subtribes, 31 genera)
- Subtribe Acalyphinae
- Acalypha (also called Acaplyphes, Acalyphopsis, Calyptrospatha, Caturus, Corythea, Cupameni, Galurus, Gymnalypha, Linostachys, Mercuriastrum, Odonteilema, Paracelsea, Ricinocarpus, Schizogyne, Usteria)
- Subtribe Adrianinae
- Adriana (also called Meialisa, Trachycaryon)
- Subtribe Claoxylinae
- Claoxylon (also called Erythrochilus, Erythrochylus)
- Claoxylopsis
- Discoclaoxylon
- Erythrococca (also called Athroandra, Autrandra, Chloropatane, Deflersia, Poggeophyton, Rivinoides)
- Micrococca
- Subtribe Cleidiinae
- Cleidion (also called Lasiostyles, Psilostachys, Redia, Tetraglossa)
- Sampantaea
- Weitria (also called Pseudotrewia)
- Subtribe Dysopsidinae
- Dysopsis (also called Mirabellia, Molina)
- Subtribe Lasiococcinae
- Homonoia (also called Haematospermum, Lumanaja)
- Lasiococca
- Spathiostemon (also called Clonostylis, Polydragma)
- Subtribe Lobaniliinae
- Subtribe Macaranginae
- Macaranga (also called Adenoceras, Mappa, Mecostylis, Pachystemon, Panopia, Phocea, Tanarius)
- Subtribe Mareyinae
- Subtribe Mercurialinae
- Mercurialis (also called Cynocrambe, Discoplis, Synema)
- Leidesia
- Spathiostemon
- Subtribe Ricininae
- Subtribe Rottlerinae
- Avellanita
- Coccoceras
- Cordemoya (also called Boutonia)
- Deuteromallotus
- Mallotus (also called Aconceveibum, Axenfeldia, Coelodiscus, Diplochlamys, Echinocroton, Echinus, Hancea, Lasipana, Plagianthera, Rottlera, Stylanthus)
- Neotrewia
- Octospermum
- Rockinghamia
- Trewia (also called Canschi, Trevia)
- Subtribe Acalyphinae
- Tribe Acalypheae (12 subtribes, 31 genera)
- Tribe Adelieae (5 genera)
- Adelia (also called Ricinella)
- Crotonogynopsis
- Enriquebeltrania (also called Beltrania)
- Lasiocroton
- Leucocroton
- Tribe Adelieae (5 genera)
- Tribe Agrostistachydeae (4 genera)
- Agrostistachys (also called Heterocalyx, Sarcoclinium)
- Chondrostylis (also called Kunstlerodendron)
- Cyttaranthus (also called Cyttarastachys)
- Pseudagrostistachys
- Tribe Agrostistachydeae (4 genera)
- Tribe Alchorneae (2 subtribes, 9 genera)
- Subtribe Alchorneinae
- Alchornea (also called Bleekeria, Cladodes, Hermesia, Lepidoturus, Schousboea, Stipellaria)
- Aparisthium
- Bocquillonia (also called Ramelia)
- Bossera
- Caelebogyne (also called Coelebogyne)
- Orfilea (also called Diderotia, Laurembergia)
- Subtribe Conceveibinae
- Conceveiba (also called Conceveibastrum, Conceveibum, Veconcibea)
- Gavarretia
- Polyandra
- Subtribe Alchorneinae
- Tribe Alchorneae (2 subtribes, 9 genera)
- Tribe Ampereae (2 genera)
- Amperea (also called Leptomeria)
- Monotaxis (also called Hippocrepandra, Reissipa)
- Tribe Ampereae (2 genera)
- Tribe Bernardieae (6 genera)
- Adenophaedra
- Amyrea
- Bernardia (also called Alevia, Bernarda, Bernhardia, Bivonia, Passaea, Phaedra, Polyboea, Traganthus, Tyria)
- Discocleidion
- Necepsia (also called Neopalissya, Palissya)
- Paranecepsia
- Tribe Bernardieae (6 genera)
- Tribe Caryodendreae (3 genera)
- Alchorneopsis
- Caryodendron (also called Centrodiscus)
- Discoglypremna
- Tribe Caryodendreae (3 genera)
- Tribe Chaetocarpeae (2 genera)
- Chaetocarpus (also called Gaedawakka, Mettenia, Neochevaliera, Regnaldia)
- Trigonopleura (also called Peniculifera)
- Tribe Chaetocarpeae (2 genera)
- Tribe Cheiloseae (2 genera)
- Cheilosa
- Neoscortechinia (also called Alcineanthus, Scortechinia)
- Tribe Cheiloseae (2 genera)
- Tribe Chrozophoreae (4 subtribes, 12 genera)
- Subtribe Chrozophorinae
- Chrozophora (also called Crossophora, Crozophora, Ricinoides, Tournesol, Tournesolia)
- Subtribe Ditaxinae
- [[Argythamnia (also called Argithamnia, Argothamnia, Argyrothamnia, Argytamnia, Odotalon, Serophyton)
- Caperonia (also called Acanthopyxis, Androphoranthus, Cavanilla, Lepidococea, Meterana)
- Chiropetalum (also called Aonikena, Desfontaena, Desfontaina, Desfontainea)
- Ditaxis (also called Aphora, Paxiuscula, Stenonia)
- Phylira (also called Phyllera)
- Subtribe Doryxylinae
- Doryxylon (also called Sumbavia)
- Melanolepis (also called Mercadoa)
- Sumbaviopsis (also called Adisa, Adisca)
- Thyrsanthera
- Subtribe Speranskiinae
- Subtribe Chrozophorinae
- Tribe Chrozophoreae (4 subtribes, 12 genera)
- Tribe Dicoelieae (1 genus)
- Tribe Epiprineae (2 subtribes, 9 genera)
- Subtribe Epiprininae
- Adenochlaena (also called Niedenzua, Centrostylis)
- Cephalocroton
- Cephalocrotonopsis
- Cladogynos (also called Adenogynum, Baprea, Chloradenia)
- Cleidiocarpon (also called Sinopimelodendron) - a new genus discovered in Guangxi.
- Epiprinus
- Koilodepas (also called Caelodepas, Calpigyne, Coelodepas, Nephrostylus)
- Symphyllia
- Subtribe Cephalomappinae
- Cephalomappa (also called Muricococcum)
- Subtribe Epiprininae
- Tribe Epiprineae (2 subtribes, 9 genera)
- Tribe Erismantheae (3 genera)
- Tribe Galearieae (3 genera, this tribe sometimes stands alone to form family Pandaceae, together with the tribe Centroplaceae)
- Galearia (also called Bennettia, Cremostachys)
- Microdesmis (also called Tetragyne)
- Panda (also called Porphyranthus)
- Tribe Galearieae (3 genera, this tribe sometimes stands alone to form family Pandaceae, together with the tribe Centroplaceae)
- Tribe Omphaleae (1 genus)
- Omphalea (also called Duchola, Hebecocca, Hecatea, Neomphalea, Omphalandria, Ronnowia)
- Tribe Omphaleae (1 genus)
- Tribe Plukenetieae (2 subtribes, 13 genera)
- Subtribe Plukenetiinae
- Angostylis (also called Angostyles)
- Astrococcus
- Plukenetia (also called Accia, Angostylidium, Apopandra, Botryanthe, Ceratococcus, Elaeophora, Eleutherostigma, Fragariopsis, Hedraiostylis, Pseudotragia, Pterococcus, Sajorum, Tetracarpidium or Vigia)
- Haematostemon
- Romanoa (also called Anabaena, Anabaenella)
- Subtribe Tragiinae
- Acidoton (also called Durandeeldia, Gitara)
- Cenesmon (also called Cnesmone, Cnesmosa)
- Megistostigma (also called Clavistylus)
- Pachystylidium
- Platygyna (also called Acanthocaulon)
- Sphaerostylis
- Tragia (also called Agirta, Allosandra, Bia, Ctenomeria, Lassia, Leptobotrys, Leptorhachis, Leucandra, Schorigeram, Zuckertia)
- Tragiella
- Subtribe Plukenetiinae
- Tribe Plukenetieae (2 subtribes, 13 genera)
- Tribe Pogonophoreae (1 genera)
- Pogonophora (also called Poraresia)
- Tribe Pogonophoreae (1 genera)
- Tribe Pycnocomeae (2 subtribes, 7 genera)
- Subtribe Blumeodendrinae
- Blumeodendron
- Botryophora (also called Botryospora, Botryphora)
- Podadenia
- Ptychopyxis (also called Clarorivinia)
- Subtribe Pycnocominae
- Argomuellera (also called Neopycnocoma, Weitriaria)
- Droceloncia
- Pycnocoma (also called Comopyena)
- Subtribe Blumeodendrinae
- Tribe Pycnocomeae (2 subtribes, 7 genera)
- Tribe Sphyranthereae (1 genus)
- Subfamily Crotonoideae
- Tribe Adenoclineae (2 subtribes, 6 genera)
- Subtribe Adenoclininae
- Adenocline (also called Adenoclina, Diplostylis, Paradenocline)
- Ditta
- Glycydendron
- Klaineanthus
- Tetrorchidium (also called Hasskarlia, Tetrorchidiopsis)
- Subtribe Endosperminae
- Endospermum (also called Capellenia)
- Subtribe Adenoclininae
- Tribe Adenoclineae (2 subtribes, 6 genera)
- Tribe Aleuritideae (6 subtribes, 17 genera)
- Subtribe Aleuritinae
- Subtribe Benoistiinae
- Subtribe Crotonogyninae
- Crotonogyne (also called Neomanniophyton)
- Cyrtogonone
- Manniophyton
- Subtribe Garciinae
- Subtribe Grosserinae
- Anomalocalyx
- Cavacoa
- Domohinea
- Grossera
- Neoholstia (also called Holstia)
- Sandwithia
- Tannodia
- Tapoides
- Subtribe Neoboutoniinae
- Tribe Aleuritideae (6 subtribes, 17 genera)
- Tribe Codiaeae (16 genera)
- Acidocroton
- Baliospermum
- [Baloghia]] (also called Steigeria)
- Blachia (also called Deonia)
- Codiaeum (also called Crozophylla, Junghuhnia, Phyllaurea, Synaspisma)
- Colobocarpos - a new genus was discovered recently in Southeast Asia, which means that its exact relationship with other genera is still uncertain.
- Dimorphocalyx
- Dodecastigma
- Fontainea
- Hylandia
- Ophellantha
- Ostodes
- Pantadenia
- Parapantadenia
- Sagotia
- Strophioblachia
- Tribe Codiaeae (16 genera)
- Tribe Crotoneae (4 genera)
- Croton (also called Agelandra, Aldinia, Angelandra, Anisepta, Anisophyllum, Argyra, Argyrodendron, Astraea, Astrogyne, Aubertia, Banalia, Barhamia, Brachystachys, Calypteriopetalon, Cascarilla, Centrandra, Cieca, Cleodora, Codonocalyx, Comatocroton, Crotonanthus, Crotonopsis, Cyclostigma, Decarinium, Drepadenium, Eluteria, Engelmannia, Eremocarpus, Eutrophia, Friesia, Furcaria, Geiseleria, Gynamblosis, Halecus, Hendecandas, Heterochlamys, Heptallon, Heterocroton, Julocroton, Klotzschiphytum, Kurkas, Lasiogyne, Leucadenia, Leptemon, Leucadenia, Luntia, Macrocroton, Medea, Merleta, Monguia, Myriogomphus, Ocalia, Oxydectes, Palanostigma, Penteca, Pilinophyton, Piscaria, Pleopadium, Podostachys, Saipania, Schradera, Semilta, Tiglium, Timandra, Tridesmis, Triplandra, Vandera)
- Mildbraedia (also called Neojatropha, Plesiotropha)
- Moacroton (also called Cubacroton)
- Paracroton (also called Desmostemon, Fahrenheitia)
- Tribe Crotoneae (4 genera)
- Tribe Elateriospermeae (1 genus)
- Elateriospermum (also called Elaterioides, Elaterispermum)
- Tribe Elateriospermeae (1 genus)
- Tribe Gelonieae (2 genera)
- Cladogelonium
- Suregada (also called Ceratophorus, Erythrocarpus, Gelonium, Owataria)
- Tribe Gelonieae (2 genera)
- Tribe Jatropheae (8 genera)
- Annesijoa
- Deutzianthus
- Jatropha (also called Adenorhopium, Adenoropium, Castiglionia, Collenucia, Curcas, Jatropa, Loureira, Mesandrinia, Mozinna, Zimapania)
- Joannesia (also called Anda, Andicus)
- Leeuwenbergia
- Loerzingia
- Oligoceras
- Vaupesia
- Tribe Jatropheae (8 genera)
- Tribe Manihoteae (2 genera)
- Cnidoscolus (also called Bivonea, Jussieuia, Mandioca, Victorinia) - spurge nettle
- Manihot (also called Hotnima, Janipha, Manihotoides)
- Tribe Manihoteae (2 genera)
- Tribe Micrandreae (2 subtribes, 4 genera)
- Subtribe Heveinae
- Hevea (also called Caoutchoua, Micrandra, Siphonanthus, Siphonia)
- Subtribe Micrandrinae
- Cunuria
- Micrandra (also called Clusiophyllum, Pogonophyllum)
- Micrandropsis
- Subtribe Heveinae
- Tribe Micrandreae (2 subtribes, 4 genera)
- Tribe Ricinocarpeae (2 subtribes, 7 genera)
- Subtribe Bertyinae
- Bertya (also called Lambertya)
- Borneodendron
- Cocconerion
- Myricanthe
- Subtribe Ricinocarpinae
- Alphandia
- Beyeria (also called Beyeriopsis, Calyptrostigma, Clavipodium)
- Ricinocarpus (also called Echinosphaera, Ricinocarpus, Roeperia)
- Subtribe Bertyinae
- Tribe Ricinocarpeae (2 subtribes, 7 genera)
- Tribe Ricinodendreae (1 genus)
- Tribe Trigonostemoneae (1 genus)
- Trigonostemon (also called Actephilopsis, Athroisma, Enchidium, Kurziodendron, Neotrigonostemon, Nepenthandra, Poilaniella, Prosartema, Silvaea, Telogyne, Tritaxis, Tylosepalum)
- Tribe Trigonostemoneae (1 genus)
- Subfamily Euphorbioideae
- Tribe Euphorbieae (3 subtribes, 12 genera)
- Subtribe Anthosteminae
- Subtribe Euphorbiinae
- Euphorbia (also called Ademo, Adenopetalum, Adenorima, Agaloma, Aklema, Alectoroctonum, Allobia, Anisophyllum, Anthacantha, Aplarina, Arthrothamnus, Bojeria, Ceraselma, Chamaesyce, Characias, Chylogala, Ctenadena, Cyathophora, Cystidospermum, Dactylanthes, Dematra, Desmonema, Dichrophyllum, Dichylium, Diplocyathium, Ditritra, Endoisila, Epurga, Esula, Euforbia, Eumecanthus, Euphorbiastrum, Euphorbiodendron, Euphorbiopsis, Euphorbium, Galarhoeus, Kanopikon Kobiosis, Lacanthis, Lathyris, Lepadena, Leptopus, Lophobios, Lyciopsis, Medusea, Nisomenes, Omalanthus, Ossifraga, Peccana, Petalandra, Pleuradena, Poinsettia, Pythius, Sclerocyathium, Sterigmanthe, Tithymalopsis, Tithymalus, Torfasadis, Treisia, Tricherostigma, Trichosterigma, Tumalis, Vallaris, Xamesike, Zalitea, Zygophyllidium)
- Chamaesyce
- Cubanthus
- Elaeophorbia
- Endadenium
- Monadenium (also called Lortia, Stenadenium)
- Pedilanthus (also called Crepidaria, Diadenaria, Hexadenia, Tithymaloides, Ventenatia)
- Synadenium
- Subtribe Neoguillauminiinae
- Tribe Euphorbieae (3 subtribes, 12 genera)
- Tribe Hippomaneae (2 subtribes, 33 genera)
- Subtribe Carumbiinae
- Homalanthus (also called Carumbium, Dibrachion, Dibrachium, Duania, Wartmannia)
- Subtribe Hippomaninae
- Actinostemon
- Adenopeltis
- Anomostachys
- Balakata
- Bonania (also called Hypocoton)
- Colliguaja
- Conosapium
- Dalembertia (also called Alcoceria)
- Dendrocousinsia
- Dendrothrix
- Ditrysinia
- Duvigneaudia
- Excoecaria (also called Commia, Glyphostylus)
- Falconeria
- Grimmeodendron
- Gymnanthes (also called Adenogyne, Ateramnus)
- Hippomane (also called Mancanilla, Mancinella)
- Mabea
- Maprounea (also called Aegopicron, Aegopricon, Aegopricum)
- Neoshirakia (also called Shirakia)
- Pleradenophora
- Pseudosenefeldera
- Rhodothyrsus - a new genus discovered in South America.
- Sapium (also called Carumbium, Gymnobothrys, Sapiopsis, Seborium, Shirakiopsis, Stillingfleetia, Taeniosapium) - Chinese tallow
- Sclerocroton
- Sebastiania (also called Clonostachys, Cnemidostachys, Elachocroton, Gussonia, Microstachys, Sarothrostachys, Tragiopsis)
- Senefeldera
- Senefelderopsis
- Spegazziniophytum
- Spirostachys
- Stillingia (also called Gymnostillingia)
- Triadica
- Subtribe Carumbiinae
- Tribe Hippomaneae (2 subtribes, 33 genera)
- Tribe Hureae (4 genera)
- Algernonia
- Hura
- Ophthalmoblapton
- Tetraplandra (also called Dendrobryon)
- Tribe Hureae (4 genera)
- Tribe Pachystromateae (1 genus)
- Pachystroma (also called Acantholoma)
- Tribe Pachystromateae (1 genus)
- Tribe Stomatocalyceae (2 subtribes, 4 genera)
- Subtribe Hamilcoinae
- Subtribe Stomatocalycinae
- Pimelodendron (also called Stomatocalyx)
- Plagiostyles
- Tribe Stomatocalyceae (2 subtribes, 4 genera)
- Subfamily Oldfieldioideae
- Tribe Caletieae (4 subtribes, 14 genera)
- Subtribe Dissiliariinae
- Austrobuxus (also called Buraeavia, Bureaua, Choriophyllum)
- Canaca
- Choriceras
- Dissiliaria
- Longetia
- Sankowskya
- Whyanbeelia
- Subtribe Hyaenanchinae
- Hyaenanche (also called Toxicodendrum)
- Subtribe Petalostigmatinae
- Petalostigma (also called Xylococcus)
- Subtribe Pseudanthinae
- Kairothamnus
- Micrantheum (also called Allenia, Caletia)
- Neoroepera
- Pseudanthus (also called Chorizotheca, Chrysostemon, Stachystemon)
- Scagea
- Subtribe Dissiliariinae
- Tribe Caletieae (4 subtribes, 14 genera)
- Tribe Picrodendreae (3 subtribes, 8 genera)
- Subtrible Mischodontinae
- Androstachys
- Aristogeitonia (also called Paragelonium)
- Mischodon
- Stachyandra
- Voatamalo
- Subtribe Paiveusinae
- Oldfieldia (also called Cecchia, Paivaeusa)
- Subtribe Picrodendrinae
- Parodiodendron
- Picrodendron
- Piranhea (also called Celaenodendron)
- Subtrible Mischodontinae
- Tribe Picrodendreae (3 subtribes, 8 genera)
- Tribe Podocalyceae (3 subtribes, 3 genera)
- SubtribeParadrypetinae
- Subtribe Tetracoccinae
- Tetracoccus (also called Halliophytum)
- Subtribe Podocalycinae
- Tribe Podocalyceae (3 subtribes, 3 genera)
- Former subfamily Phyllanthoides (now family Phyllanthaceae)
- Tribe Amanoeae (2 genera)
- Amanoa (also called Micropetalum)
- Pentabrachion
- Tribe Amanoeae (2 genera)
- Tribe Antidesmeae (5 subtribes, 19 genera)
- Subtribe Antidesminae
- Antidesma (also called Bestram, Coulejia, Minutalia, Rhytis, Rubina, Stilago)
- Celianella
- Hieronyma (also called Hieronima, Hyeronima, Stilaginella)
- Leptonema
- Thecacoris (also called Baccaureopsis, Cyathogyne, Henribaillonia)
- Subtribe Porantherinae
- Subtribe Scepinae
- Apodiscus
- Aporosa (also called Aporusa, Leiocarpus, Lepidostachys, Scepa, Tetractinostigma)
- Ashtonia
- Baccaurea (also called Adenocrepis, Calyptroon, Coccomelia, Everettiodendron, Gatnaia, Hedycarpus, Microsepala, Pierardia)
- Distichirhops
- Jablonskia
- Maesobotrya (also called Staphysora)
- Nothobaccaurea
- Protomegabaria
- Richeria (also called Bellevalia, Guarania)
- Subtribe Spondianthinae
- Spondianthus (also called Megabaria)
- Subtribe Uapacinae
- Uapaca (also called Canariastrum)
- Subtribe Antidesminae
- Tribe Antidesmeae (5 subtribes, 19 genera)
- Tribe Bischofieae (1 genus)
- Bischofia (also called Microelus, Stylodiscus)
- Tribe Bischofieae (1 genus)
- Tribe Bridelieae (2 genera)
- Bridelia (also called Candelabria, Gentilia, Pentameria, Tzellemtinia)
- Cleistanthus (also called Clistanthus, Godefroya, Kaluhaburunghos, Lebidiera, Lebidieropsis, Leiopyxis, Nanopetalum, Neogoetzia, Paracleisthus, Schistostigma, Stenonia, Stenoniella, Zenkerodendron)
- Tribe Bridelieae (2 genera)
- Tribe Centroplaceae (1 genus, this tribe is sometimes placed in the Pandaceae, together with the tribe Galearieae)
- Tribe Drypeteae (now family Putranjivaceae, 4 genera)
- Drypetes (also called Anaua, Astylis, Brexiopsis, Calyptosepalum, Cyclostemon, Discophis, Dodecastemon, Freireodendron, Guya, Hemicyclia, Humblotia, Laneasagum, Liparena, Liparene, Palenga, Paracasearia, Periplexis, Pycnosandra, Riseleya)
- Lingelsheimia (also called Aerisilvaea, Danguyodrypetes, Sphragidia, Stelechanteria)
- Putranjiva (also called Liodendron)
- Sibangea
- Tribe Drypeteae (now family Putranjivaceae, 4 genera)
- Tribe Hymenocardieae (2 genera)
- Tribe Martretieae (1 genus)
- Tribe Phyllantheae (6 subtribes, 18 genera)
- Subtribe Andrachinae
- Andrachne (also called Eraeliss, Thelypotzium)
- Subtribe Astrocasiinae
- Subtribe Flueggeinae
- Breynia (also called Foersteria, Forsteria, Melanthes, Melanthesa, Melanthesopsis)
- Flueggea (also called Acidoton, Bessera, Colmeiroa, Geblera, Neowawraea, Pleiostemon, Villanova)
- Glochidion (also called Agyneia, Bradleia, Bradleja, Coccoglochidion, Diasperus, Episteira, Glochidionopsis, Glochisandra, Gynoon, Lobocarpus, Pseudoglochidion, Tetraglochidion, Zarcoa)
- Margaritaria (also called Calococcus, Prosorus, Wurtzia, Zygospermum)
- Phyllanthus (also called Anisonema, Aporosella, Arachnodes, Ardinghalia, Asterandra, Cathetus, Ceramanthus, Chorisandra, Cicca, Clambus, Conami, Dendrophyllanthus, Dicholactina, Dimorphocladium, Emblica, Epistylium, Eriococcus, Fluggeopsis, Genesiphylla, Hemicicca, Hemiglochidion, Kirganelia, Leichhardtia, Lomanthes, Maborea, Macraea, Menarda, Mirobalanus, Moeroris, Nellica, Niruri, Nymania, Nymphanthus, Orbicularia, Oxalistylis, Ramsdenia, Reidia, Rhopium, Roigia, Scepasma, Staurothylax, Synexemia, Tricarium, Uranthera, Urinaria, Williamia, Xylophylla)
- Reverchonia
- Richeriella
- Sauropus (also called Aalius, Breyniopsis, Ceratogynum, Diplomorpha, Heterocalymnantha, Hexadena, Hexaspermum, Ibina, Synastemon, Synostemon)
- Subtribe Leptopinae
- Leptopus (also called Arachne, Chorisandrachne, Hexakestra, Hexakistra)
- Subtribe Pseudolachnostylidinae
- Chascotheca (also called Chaenotheca)
- Keayodendron
- Meineckia (also called Cluytiandra, Neopeltandra, Peltandra)
- Pseudolachnostylis
- Zimmermannia
- Zimmermanniopsis
- Subtribe Securineginae
- Subtribe Andrachinae
- Tribe Phyllantheae (6 subtribes, 18 genera)
- Tribe Wielandieae (10 genera)
- Actephila (also called Anomospermum, Lithoxylon)
- Blotia
- Chonocentrum
- Discocarpus
- Gonatogyne
- Heywoodia
- Lachnostylis
- Petalodiscus
- Savia (also called Charidia, Geminaria, Kleinodendron, Maschalanthus)
- Wielandia
- Tribe Wielandieae (10 genera)
- Genera of unclear position
The genus Tacarcuna is a part of this subfamily but does not seem to belong to any particular tribe. The genus Phyllanoa is usually classified in the tribe Antidesmeae but some experts suggest it belongs to the family Violaceae.
- Data from GRIN Taxonomy (
- Watson, L., and M. J. Dallwitz (1992 onwards). The Families of Flowering Plants: ( Descriptions, Illustrations, Identification, Information Retrieval. http://delta-intkey.comda:Vortemælk-familien (Euphorbiaceae)
de:Wolfsmilchgewächse es:Euphorbiaceae eo:Eŭforbiacoj fr:Euphorbiaceae it:Euphorbiaceae ja:トウダイグサ科 nl:Wolfsmelkfamilie no:Vortemelkfamilien pt:Euphorbiaceae fi:Tyräkkikasvit