Escaflowne (movie)
Escaflowne is a 2000 anime movie that is a complete retelling of the events of the anime television series The Vision of Escaflowne. Animated by Sunrise and Studio BONES, this remake replaced many of the elements of European fantasy that were introduced into the TV series with more Asian elements. Specifically, the director Kazuki Akane has cited the use of motifs from ancient Asian mythology, and character designer Nobuteru Yuuki has noted that he based a secondary outfit for the heroine Hitomi on Korean clothing. The movie was developed under the pre-production title Escaflowne: A Girl in Gaea, but it was retitled simply "Escaflowne" before its theatrical premiere.
The plot of the movie is similar to the television show, but retold in a way that could fit in a two hour movie as opposed to a one season TV show. Most of the characters present in TV show were also present in the movie, although character designs were often changed and in some cases bear little to no resemblance to the corresponding TV show character. The only major character seen in the movie and not seen in the TV show was Sora, an advisor to Folken.