Eneru is a villain from the fictional One Piece manga and anime series. His control of lightning is due to his consumption of the Goro Goro Fruit. Six years ago, he overthrew the rightful ruler of Skypiea, an island that floats in the sky and tyrantlly ruled over it until the Straw Hats arrived. It is say in the series that he destroyed his own homeland before coming to Skypeia and overthrowing the first ruler. Very cult-leader minded and somewhat insane, Eneru saw all of Skypeia as a mistake of nature and planned to destory it with his power. But not before pitting his Preists and the Shandora tribe (fighting to get their homeland back) as well as the Straw Hats against each other in an unknowing game to see who was worthy to be spared by him. Luffy eventually confronts him, turning out to be Eneru natural enemy due to rubber inabilty to conduct electricity. Eneru manages to get rid of Luffy temporarily by grafting a huge golden ball to his right arm. But this turns out to be his downfall as an attack of Luffy's called the Gum Gum Golden Peoy stops one of his strongest attacks (a gigantic electrical bomb) while a Gum Gum Golden Rifle finally defeats Eneru (as well as rings the golden bell that the "god" had stolen). The last seen of Eneru, he had managed to escape in his floating ship, Maxim, along with his defeated priests and headed for his supposed promise land, "Endless Earth", which turns out to be the moon.
His name is a pun on the word "energy". It is translated by some as "Ener".