Enciclopedia universal ilustrada europeo-americana
The Enciclopedia universal ilustrada europeo-americana (also called Enciclopedia Espasa, or Enciclopedia Espasa-Calpe, after its publisher) is a Spanish encyclopaedia comprising 72 volumes (numbered from 1 to 70, with parts 18 and 28 consisting of two volumes each) published from 1908 to 1930 plus a ten-volume appendix published 1930-1933. Between 1935 and 2002, 34 supplemental volumes were published plus an index, another A-Z appendix, and an atlas, for a total of 119 volumes.
The aim of the publishers was to produce an enclyclopedia reference book in Spanish that covered scientific and technological knowledge as well as history, biographies, geography, arts, and the literature of Spain and Latin America.
According to calculations made by its publishers, the encyclopaedia has more than 165,000 pages and 200 million words.
Only minor revisions have been made to the original volumes, such as the rewrite of a part of the 1910 "Bicicleta" article which had enumerated a "pistol or revolver" as one of the things to be taken on a bicycle tour.
In 2003 a repackaged version was published in 90 volumes, consisting of the original 82 volumes plus a new 8-volume "Complemento Enciclopédico 1934-2002" providing up-to-date information in alphabetical order. The old supplements will no longer be republished.es:Enciclopedia Espasa sv:Enciclopedia universal ilustrada europeo-americana de:Enciclopedia universal ilustrada europeo-americana