Eight Crazy Nights
Eight Crazy Nights is a 2002 animated musical comedy movie by Adam Sandler. The story is interesting in its lack of the traditional distinction between a hero and a villain.
Set in the fictional town of Dukesberry, the main character in the movie is Davey Stone (Adam Sandler), a drunk with a long criminal record. Arrested in the beginning of the movie for trying to leave a Chinese restaurant without paying the bill, the referee from a basketball league he had used to play in, a septuagenarian named Whitey Duvall (Adam Sandler), comes forward at his trial. Whitey is an illiterate, optimistic, man of about 4'3'' with little of his perpetually white hair remaining and with a high-pitched voice whose greatest hope is to win the "Dukesberry All-Star Patch" ("the Patch"), an honor awarded anually by direct popular vote (see election). The judge, at Whitey's suggestion, sentences Stone to be a referee-in-training for the Youth Basketball League under Whitey.
The next day, Davey is to referee his first game. Soon after the game starts, Whitey suggests that he should call a foul when a morbidly obese player is knocked down. Davey calls a foul "on this kid for eating everything in sight." When people in the stands begin to throw things at Davey, scratching Whitey's floor, Whitey goes into a seizure. Davey ends the game because "no one wants to see an old man die," declaring "Fatty's team" the losing team "because I wanna see him cry again." The next scene takes place in the mall. See child obesity.
At the mall, Whitey's favorite place to be, the audience is first introduced to Jennifer Friedman, Davey's childhood girlfriend who, according to Whitey, has recently been left by her husband and has returned to Dukesberry to raise her son, Benjamin.
In a later scene, when Whitey has taken Davey to the basketball court for "a refresher course on b-ball rules and regulations," Davey comments that he could win against two men playing basketball on the court even with Whitey as his partner. Overhearing this comment, one of the men challenges them to a game. Davey and Whitey (and, after Whitey is knocked out, Benjamin) win.
Driving home, Whitey and Davey reach Davey's trailer just in time to see the man who had challenged them to a game burning it. Whitey offers to let Davey stay with him and his fraternal twin sister Eleanore.
Davey at first complains about about the highly detailed house rules (referred to as technical fouls, Whitey being a referee), but over time adjusts to living in the Duvalls' home and appears to turn his life around. Then, on the night of the "All-Star Banquet," a ceremony at which the Patch, among other honors is given, Davey and the Duvalls are at an ice rink. After some conversation, Whitey brings up the story of Davey having been the star of "the JCC Miracle Game" during Hanukkah when he was 12 years old. On that night, Davey's team, normally losing every game, had narrowly beaten the other team in a miraculous comeback "as a Hanukkah present" to their parents. However, after the game, Davey had received the news that his parents had been hit by a truck that had run into a patch of black ice while they were going to the game. All that was shown in the movie to have been recovered from the car was a Hanukkah card to Davey. After that traumatic experience, Davey went into decline. Davey, in a rage, tells Whitey that no one in the town even knows he exists, pulls off Eleanore's wig, and walks away.
Davey, drunk, breaks into the mall to yell at Jennifer. Once inside, the logos (and in some cases, products) of the various mall stores (Radio Shack, Foot Locker, GNC, KB Toys, Victoria's Secret, The Sharper Image, etc.) begin talking to him. A coffee shop mascot pours java into his mouth to sober him, and a musical scene follows where the logos (and products) try to convince him to cry. He refuses, until they show him his Hanukkah card from his parents. At that point, the police arrive to try to arrest him. He handcuffs the police to each other and runs away.
External links
- Official web site (http://www.sonypictures.com/movies/eightcrazynights/)
- Transcript of movie (http://www.scifiscripts.com/cartoon/Eight_Crazy_Nights_Transcript.doc) (DOC) (HTML version (http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:dVVexsE4XD4J:www.scifiscripts.com/cartoon/Eight_Crazy_Nights_Transcript.doc+%22Eight+Crazy+Nights%22&hl=en&ie=UTF-8)).
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