Eberhard Taubert
Eberhard Taubert (May 11, 1907, Kassel, Germany - 1976, Cologne) was a lawyer and anti-Semitic Nazi propagandist. Since 1933 he was a member of the Nazi Propagandaministerium under Joseph Goebbels.
His nickname in Nazi circles was Dr. Anti. He worked in 1940 on the script for the anti-Semitic propaganda film Der Ewige Jude and was responsible for the law requiring Jews to wear the yellow Star of David (Judenstern).
After World War II he was financed by the German government and US secret services to produce anti-Communist propaganda that compared Communists with rats and insects that needed to be exterminated.
After 1957 he worked in South America, Iran, Lebanon, Egypt and South Africa.
Since 1970 he was employed by German industrialists; in 1972 he received the Großes Bundesverdienstkreuz (Great German Cross of Merit) by future Chancellor Helmut Kohl.