East Bay Municipal Utility District
The East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) provides water and sewage treatment for customers in Alameda County and portions of Contra Costa County in California, on the eastern side of San Francisco Bay.
The district was founded after a severe drought in 1923 proved that a local system of reservoirs was inadequate. The district built a pipeline to the Mokelumne River in the Sierra Nevada. Today, several hundred miles of large diameter pipes bring the water to various reservoirs in the East Bay area. Water is then transported to several treatment plants and delivered to local small reservoirs and tanks, where it is then distributed by gravity to households.
By bypassing the Sacramento Delta, EBMUD can deliver especially high quality water with low salinity. EBMUD has also switched from the use of gaseous chlorine to the use of chloramine, improving the water's taste.
External link
EBMUD website (http://www.ebmud.com/)