Earth Station McKinley
In the Star Trek fictional universe, Earth Station McKinley (also known as McKinley Orbital Spacedock) is a Federation shipyard in synchronous orbit over Earth. The facility is known for the construction and repair of starships in its dry dock facilities with its distinctive arms. Notable ships produced by the station include the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-C) and the USS Voyager (NCC-74656), although she is seen under construction at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards in 2371.
Circa stardate 44012.3, the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) docked at Earth Station McKinley for damage repair and systems refit shortly after the Battle of Wolf 359. The refit lasted six weeks, during which time, a faulty dilithium chamber hatch was installed. Circa stardate 44769.2, the chamber caused an accident on the Enterprise.
External link
- "Earth Station McKinley" ( at Memory Alpha, a Star Trek WikiWiki
- "Earth Station McKinley" at the Neutral Zone Starship Database (