Earth Observing System
The Earth Observing System (EOS) is a program of NASA comprising a series of artificial satellite missions and scientific instruments in Earth orbit designed for long-term global observations of the land surface, biosphere, atmosphere, and oceans of the Earth. The satellite component of the program was launched in 1997. The program is centerpiece of NASA's Earth Science Enterprise (ESE).
Mission list with launch dates
- SeaWiFS - August 1, 1997
- TRMM - November 27, 1997
- Landsat 7 - April 15, 1999
- QuikScat - June 19, 1999
- Terra - December 18, 1999
- ACRIMSAT - December 20, 1999
- NMP/EO-1 - November 21, 2000
- Jason-1 - December 7, 2001
- Meteor 3M-1/Sage III - December 10, 2001
- Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment - March 17, 2002
- Aqua - May 4, 2002
- ADEOS II/Midori II - December 12, 2002
- ICESat - January 12, 2003
- SORCE - January 25, 2003
- Aura - July 15, 2004
- CloudSat - March 2005
- CALIPSO - March 2005
- Hydros - June 2006
- NPP - October 2006
- OCO - July 2007
- ESSP - August 2008
- Aquarius - September 2008
- NMP/EO-3 - to be determined
External link
- EOS Homepage at NASA ( Observing System