ENEA is a Swedish information technology company from Täby working in the area of operating systems and consulting. ENEA, which is an abbreviation of Engmans Elektronik Aktiebolag, is best known for producing the operating system known as Operating System Embedded (OSE).
ENEA was founded by four engineers from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. Their first product was an operating system for a defense computer used by the Swedish Air Force. During the 1970s the firm developed compiler technology for the programming language Simula.
During the early days of the European Internet-like connections, ENEA employee Björn Eriksen connected Sweden to EUNET using UUCP, and registered enea as the first Swedish domain in april 1983. The domain was later converted to the internet domain enea.se when the network was switched over to TCP and the Swedish top domain .se was created in 1986.
External links
- ENEA (http://www.enea.se/) - Official site