Dytallix B
In the fictional Star Trek universe, Dytallix B is an uninhabited planet mined by the Dytallix Mining Corporation, hence the name. Originally, the planet was known as Mira V, however over time Dytallix B has become the common use name. The planet does not spin as it revolves around the sun and as a result has a dark side and a light side much like the Moon. The sun-side of Dytallix B often can be near 180 degrees Celsius. The mines of the Dytallix Mining Corporation covered the day/night boundaries where the differences in temperature brought extremely strong winds. Outside of the planet's mining significance it also served as a secret meeting place between Jean-Luc Picard, Captain Rixx, Tryla Scott, and Walker Keel to discuss an alien invasion rippling throughout Starfleet. This planet's first appearance was in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode Conspiracy.