The term dymaxion was coined by inventor Buckminster Fuller as a compound of the words "DYnamic", "MAXimum" and "tensION". Although Fuller uses the term to suggest his concept of 'doing more with less', it is more marketing tool than meaningful adjective.
Fuller's three-wheeled front-wheel-drive streamlined Dymaxion car of 1933 developed into three full-sized prototypes. Roomy, speedy, nimble, efficient, and the product of truly advanced engineering, one of the three prototypes was involved in a fatal collision near Chicago and further development was stopped.
Fuller's Dymaxion house actually took three forms: the 4-D Dymaxion House model of 1927, the 1944 corrugated silo Dymaxion Deployment Unit developed in association with Butler Manufacturing Company, and the hamburger-shaped 1944 Dymaxion Dwelling Unit (or Wichita House) developed with Beech Aircraft.
The Dymaxion map is an alternate projection system designed to minimize distortion and display no breaks in continental contours. During World War II Fuller also kept himself in the press by advocating "Dymaxion sleep".