Template:Election netherlandsElections in the Netherlands for the Tweede Kamer of Parliament
National summary
- Anti Revolutionary Party (Anti-Revolutionaire Partij)
- Christian Historical Voters' League (Christelijke-Historische Kiezersbond)
- Free Anti Revolutionary Party (Vrije Anti-Revolutionaire Partij), offshoot of the Anti Revolutionary Party
- Free Socialists (Vrije Socialisten)
- League of Free Liberals (Bond van Vrije Liberalen)
- Liberal Union (Liberale Unie)
- Radical League (Radicale Bond)
- Roman Catholic League of Electoral Associations (Roomsch-Katholieke Bond van Kiesvereenigingen), party formation of the Catholics
- Social Democratic Workers' Party (Sociaal-Democratische Arbeiderspartij), offshoot of the Social Democratic League (see elections 1888)