Dream signs
Dream Signs are commonly occurring themes found within a person's dreams. Dream signs will vary between individuals. Some common ones are difficulty reading words, inability to run or use mechanical objects, the ability to breathe underwater and the appearance of dead people.
There are many various kinds of dream signs, and they usually reflect your waking life. For example, if you are addicted to cars, you will probably notice more car-related themes in your dream. Doctors will probably dream about performing whatever their field of specialization requires them to do. Video game players report playing games in their dreams. The common, most telling dreaming sign is that something illogical in real life occurs in a completely natural and self-accepted manner.
Dream signs can also reflect wants, fears, things the subject hates, and even embarrassing moments. They can manifest themselves in many different ways, depending on the dreamer.
Recognizing one's dream signs is a technique for achieving lucid dreaming.
External links
- Dream signs (http://www.here-be-dreams.com/lucid/dream-signs.html)