Dog Eat Dog (television series)
Dog Eat Dog is a reality British game show on the BBC hosted by Ulrika Jonsson. It began in 2001, and the programme starts off by showing the six contestants at a training day where they undergo various tests to assess their strengths and weaknesses. The contestants talk about themselves and their fellow competitors.
In the studio, the contestants nominate who they think will fail a given challenge, which will either be a mental or physical one. If they fail, they go to the "Loser's Bench," and if they win, they get to choose who goes to that area of the studio.
The last remaining contestant has the chance of winning the £10,000 prize, but has to face a general knowledge round against the other five competitors. If they can predict which three will get their questions wrong, they'll win the money; however, if the losers get three of their questions right, they split the prize between them, i.e. £2,000 each, and the overall winner of the show goes home with nothing.
The United States version of the show aired on NBC, was hosted by Brooke Burns and ran for two summer seasons in 2002 and 2003. The prize was $25,000 and the "Loser's Bench" was called the "Dog Pound." The first season scored decent ratings and gained some attention due to stunts like stripping off clothes if you answered trivia questions incorrectly and one woman compleately stripped off her clothes and underwear. The second season dropped the idea (due to pressure from the network) and, for one reason or another, the ratings dropped to the point where NBC opted out of a third season.
The Singapore chinese version of the show was hosted by Guo Liang.
- Flag capture - Climb a net and get the most amount of flags in a limited amount of time.
- Little Genius - Play a trivia game against a kid genius
- Stripping (Girls) - Play a bean bag toss. Every time you miss you strip one piece of clothing
- Stripping (Boys) - Play hangman. Every time you miss a letter you strip one piece of clothing
- Water Walk - Walk on a platform while being hit by water.
- Treadmill trivia - Run on a treadmill trying to answer ten questions right before falling off the treadmill from fatigue. Every time a question is answered wrong, the speed on the treadmill increases.
- Rainstorm hanging - Two contestants hang on a bar with just their hands in pouring rain and the first to fall loses.
External links
- UK Gameshows Page: Dog Eat Dog (