Death (Marvel Comics)
Missing image
Death with Thanos and Captain Marvel in a scene from The Death of Captain Marvel. Art by Jim Starlin.
Death is a fictional character, a personification of death in the Marvel Comics universe. This version of Death is usually portrayed as a fair-skinned woman or a skeleton, wearing a diaphanous purple robe. Thanos, the mad Titan, is obsessed with her, and has embarked on any number of mad schemes to win her love. During the Contest of Champions, she engaged in a contest by proxy with the Grandmaster, and lost; angered, she refused his fellow Elders of the Universe from ever knowing the peace of death.
Death's "sibling" is the cosmic entity Eternity. It's said that Death, Eternity and Galactus are the three fundamental entities in the Marvel Comics Universe.
Contrast with Death, of DC Comics' Sandman.
External links
- Marvel Directory ( - Death (