Dave the Barbarian

Dave the Barbarian is a Disney cartoon series that premiered in January 2004 on the Disney Channel. The series takes place in the Middle Ages and centers around a powerful yet cowardly barbarian named Dave. Together with his sisters Fang and Candy and their Uncle Oswidge, the family is in temporary rule of the fictitious land of Udrogoth. The real king and queen, Throktar and Glimia, are away "fighting evil" (though they make occasional appearances via crystal ball) and have left Candy in charge.

Much like its predecessors The Flintstones and the short-lived The Roman Hollidays, "Dave the Barbarian" juxtaposes both the ancient and modern. Candy, for example, shops in the local mall and uses the crystal ball for online shopping sprees. Occasionally, the series even drops the so-called "fourth wall" with a character directly addressing the audience.


  • Dave- a not-very-bright barbarian who would rather knit and cook than fight evil. His catch phrase: "Bejabbers."
  • Fang- The youngest of the three siblings, Fang is a very rambunctious and uncivilized girl who loves to smash things. She resembles a cross between both Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm of "The Flintstones" and is the victim of a running gag where she is often mistaken for a monkey.
  • Candy- Left in charge while the king and queen are away, Candy has a contemporary "valley girl" attitude and would rather shop and hang out than rule a kingdom.
  • Uncle Oswidge- A rather clumsy sorcerer who usually wreaks havoc with his spells rather than being useful. Far from the sterotypical sorcerer, Uncle Oswidge loves to eat and presents a rather unkempt appearance.
  • Lula- The unruly, impatient and sarcastic talking enchanted sword in Dave's scabbard, this weapon with a Brooklyn accent has a tendency to insult Dave or the others when she sees fit.
  • Faffy- The family's idiot pet dragon, usually the source of mild "toilet humor."
  • Throktar and Glimia- Rulers of Udrogoth. They are away "fighting evil" around the world.
  • Dark Lord Chuckles the Silly Piggy- An evil piglet with a high-collared cape (and equally high voice) bent on ruling Udrogoth. Chuckles lives in a castle on the outskirts of the kingdom.
  • Malsquando- An evil sorcerer and Oswidge's rival.
  • Dinky and Cheezette- Princess Candy's best friends, who are sometimes unsupportive - and wisely so - towards her or her actions.

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