Dark Avenger
Dark Avenger (also known as Eddie) was the pseudonym for a famous computer virus writer from Sofia, Bulgaria. Dark Avenger seemed to have a personal hatred for Vesselin Bontchev, a Bulgarian antivirus software writer. The feeling was apparently mutual. Once, he dedicated one of his viruses to Sarah Gordon.
The Dark Avenger is mostly famous for inventing polymorphic code, with his Mutation Engine (MTE) which is a way to circumvent the pattern recognition used by antivirus software and now also intrusion detection systems.
External links
- A interview of the Dark Avenger made by Sarah Gordon (http://vx.netlux.org/lib/static/vdat/ivdarkav.htm)
- General psychological profile over virus writers I, by Sarah Gordon (http://vx.netlux.org/lib/static/vdat/epgenvir.htm)
- General psychological profile over virus writers II, by Sarah Gordon (http://vx.netlux.org/lib/static/vdat/epgenvr2.htm)
- Many papers on virus writers by Sarah Gordon (http://www.badguys.org)